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U2 Books

Stealing Hearts At A Travelling Show
The Graphic Design Of U2 By FOUR5ONE°CREATIVE

Book written By Lisa Godson with insights by Bono, Adam Clayton and FOUR5ONE°CREATIVE.

"Every young band you meet says that one day they are going to be the biggest band in the world. Few people get the chance to work with one that actually becomes just that."
   Steve Averill, Creative Director, FOUR5ONEºCREATIVE

For the first time ever, a unique look at the qraphic identity behind one of the greatest rock bands the world has ever seen. Stealing Hearts At A Travelling Show is a lavishly illustrated, LIMITED-EDITION book about the band's collaboration with their design team in the creation of some of the most loved and admired album covers in Rock History.

Limited-edition hardback and softback - 104 pages (June 2003), 190mm/8" wide X 310mm/12.5" high.
ISBN: 0954519302

You can contact FOUR5ONE°CREATIVE through their website: where both versions of this limited edition book are available. The hard back at $65.00/ €55.50 and the soft back at $45.00/ €38.50 plus packaging and handling.
